这个高福利又暖心的70分澳洲移民专业,今年的2125个移民配额只用掉了37个 !



同学们,Social Work这个专业了解一下!


Pay scale for social workers


Social work field growth



health services

family support

child protection

community development

disability services

mental health

youth work and youth justice

drug and alcohol services

migrant and refugee services

correctional services

private practice

Main industries in social work

移民要求也只需要70分,在各种80 85分要求的情况下,这个分数是相当可爱来。

作为一个冷门专业, Social workers 2018-2019 澳大利亚对社工的配额2125个,但是到8.11 只邀请了37个 !


但是需要提醒的是,对于想用social worker来移民的同学来说需要先做出AASW的职业评估。AASW的职业评估对英语的要求相对较高语言要求较高,在完成认证的课程基础上还需要雅思A类4个7, 980H 实习(需要是2个实习,其中一个是direct practice。然而,这些大家不用担心,大师兄会带着大家一步步完成的~

最后给大家推荐几所提供social work 专业且受认证的学校,大家可以根据自己的情况进行选择(也可以咨询大师兄):

Flinders University (South Australia)

· Master of Social Work (for graduate entry) 019222G – March and July intake

课程时长: 2 years full time

2 years master 无专业背景要求!受AASW认证 还有偏远地区加分哦

提供实习:  两个实习,500H每个实习, 一般是一周4天.满足职业评估要求

课程额外要求: International applicants will be required to complete two intensive foundation topics. 一周额外免费课程

费用: $31,500 per annum

语言要求: 6.5 Overall, 6 each or equivalent

· Bachelor of Social Work 083453F – March and July intake, 受AASW认证

课程时长:4 years full time

提供实习:Undertake two intensive field placements in third and fourth year totaling 500 hours each. 提供2两个实习每个500小时符合AASW对实习的要求

费用: $27,000

语言要求: 6 Overall, Speaking 6, Writing 6 or equivalent

Monash University  (Melbourne)

·  Master of Social Work 090746A – Feb intake,受AASW认证

课程时长:2 years full time

提供实习:有 1000 H的 supervised professional practice.

课程要求:需要相关专业背景complete at least 2 full semester units study of society(需是AASW认可的), 专业背景范围很广包括:Sociology, human development, social psychology, technology, multicultural society, law, politics 等。


额外要求: Applicants will be required to undertake a police check, working with children check and provide proof of relevant vaccinations prior to being permitted onto fieldwork placements.

语言要求: 6.5 Overall, L/R 6.5, W/S 6

费用: $32,000



· Master of social work (Qualifying) – 072217J  March intake 受AASW认证

课程时长:2 years full time

提供实习:Graduates are able to take leadership roles in the social work profession, the health and community services sector, and other fields of practice.

课程要求: 相关本科专业背景+3年human and community service工作经验

语言要求:7.5 overall, 7 in each band


The University of Queensland

· Master of Social Work Studies 063939E  – Feb intake 受认证

课程时长:2 years full time

提供实习:1000 H supervised clinical practice

课程要求:本科相关专业社会人文学习 social and behavioral study

语言要求:7 overall and 7 in each band

费用:$26,304 per annum


咨询Monkey King 留学移民专业顾问,成为人生赢家不远啦~




    EOI 打分表
